What is a Spiritual Retreat?
A spiritual retreat is an important break, a few days spent in prayer alone with God. It is the spiritual equivalent of an annual car inspection or medical check-up: time in the presence of God, examining our Christian lives to try to see where we’re at and how we can to improve our relationships with God and others.
Retreats organized by centers of the Work normally take place over a long weekend, in a conference center away from the noise of the city. It is highly recommended, during these days, to fast from internet, social media and instant messaging so as to attain the calm and serenity necessary for intimate dialogue with God.
Almost all of the activities are organized around the Eucharist, taking place in the chapel or oratory of the conference center: daily Mass, the Way of the Cross, a visit to the Blessed Sacrament, examinations of conscience, and the guided prayer sessions or meditations in which the priest prays out loud about a theme related to the Christian life.
Retreats for Professions this year
Starts: Thursday 7pm.
Ends: Sunday 4pm
Retreat Dates
17-Feb to 20-Feb Tusimba Study Centre
10-Mar to 13-Mar Tusimba Study Centre
21-Jul to 24-Jul Tusimba Study Centre
20-Oct to 23-Oct Tusimba Study Centre

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